Are you having fun yet?

For most students across the country, school has started again. We here at ENCOUNTER hope that your new school year is beginning well.

We hope you find strong friendships, old and new, and that you are able to shine the light of Jesus wherever you go.

When days are long or frustrating, remember that you are loved by God, and He is with you.

Happy Labor Day weekend!


In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, the article "Darkness to Dawn" we read about how Laura cut herself to deal with pain. She shares how God continues to lead her out of that self-injury, and He reminds her through His Word, the Bible, that He is always by her side.

What Scriptures do you rely on to remind you that God is by your side, even through pain? Leave a comment and share.

article author: Laura Farrar
magazine: August 24, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

If you or someone you know struggles with cutting, please read this book:

The book follows Jackie's struggle with and healing from self-injury. There are also helpful tips for people to support a loved one who is dealing with this type of pain. Click on the image above for more information.

Are you watching the Olympics?

Have you been watching the Olympics? If so, leave a comment and share your favorite event(s).

Friends in Tough Times

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, the article "Being There" we read that Matt struggled with what to say to Corbin when his dad died. In the end, Matt just being there was what meant the most to Corbin during such a rough time.

Think about a rough time you faced. What encouraging thing did a friend say or do that meant a lot to you during that time?

Leave a comment and share your story.

article author: Becky Melby
magazine: August 17, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Trusting in Tragedy

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, the article "Why, God?" April talked about her family's car crash. April's grandfather died and her grandmother and mom were seriously injured. It devastated April's whole family.

Although April questioned why her family had to go through such tragedy, she continued to see God's presence with them. She learned to rely on Him, in good times and tragedies.

Have you learned to trust God through a tragedy? Leave a comment and share your story.

article author: April Stier
magazine: August 10, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Answered Prayers

When bad things happen, we start questioning God. Why doesn't He always answer prayers as we expect Him to? But sometimes, looking back on life, we get the chance to see the blessings that came from God's plan. Other times, we don't always know God's reasoning for acting or not acting how we wish.

Leave a comment and share some prayers that God has answered for you—both in ways that you were hoping He’d answer or in ways He answered unexpectedly.

Life Online

This week's issue of ENCOUNTER was all about the Internet. Like most things, the Internet can be used for good or for bad. It's all about what you choose to do online.

Leave a comment and share some of your favorite positive and safe websites. Have you ever shared your faith with someone online? Tell your story.
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