Be Happy in the New Year!

This week ENCOUNTER shared 10 tips you might try in the new year. Do you have any goals for 2009? Leave a comment and share the fun! :)

ENCOUNTER article: "Top Ten Tips for the New Year"
article author: Candy Arrington
magazine: December 28, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Merry Christmas!

Have a wonderful Christmas!
From all of us at ENCOUNTER.

A Dad Up Above

Jesus came to earth and represented God, the Father. In ENCOUNTER this week, we read some different qualities of God our Father. Which qualities mean the most to you? Leave a comment and share your thoughts.

ENCOUNTER article: "A True Father"
article author: Amy Simon
magazine: December 21, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Are you a superhero?

ENCOUNTER got to chat with band Family Force 5. Band member Chap Stique talked about superheroes and how he and the guys follow the ultimate hero, Jesus.

Family Force 5 tries to be heroic as they follow Jesus. How do you try to be heroic for others?

Leave a comment and share your story.

ENCOUNTER article: "The Superheroes of Family Force 5"
article author: Christy Barritt
magazine: December 14, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER


Jordan faced a hard decision—should he admit that he cheated or not?

Have you ever followed Jesus’ guidance and it required you to make a hard decision like Jordan?

Leave a comment and share your story.

ENCOUNTER article: "Caught in a Flawless Plan"
article author: Jeremy R. Glenn
magazine: December 7, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER
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