Can God REALLY Use Me?

This week in ENCOUNTER—The Magazine, Jennifer helps us understand that we don't have to worry about how qualified we are to serve God—He is the one that gives us our value. How has God used you to do things for Him?

Leave a comment and share your story!

Also, make sure to check back here next week: We'll be talking about how to serve others AND finding out a little bit more about the band This Beautiful Republic!

ENCOUNTER article: "Paper Money and Shady Pasts"
article author: Jennifer M. Kvamme
magazine: November 1, 2009 issue of ENCOUNTER

The Usual Suspects

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER—The Magazine, you tried to determine which person was most in need of God's mercy. Did you pick the right suspect in the lineup?

Leave a comment and share your thoughts!

ENCOUNTER article: "The Lineup"
article author: Anne Williman
magazine: October 25, 2009 issue of ENCOUNTER


This week in ENCOUNTER—The Magazine, Teresa gave us some tips for dealing with loneliness. Do you ever feel like an outcast? How do you cope?

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ENCOUNTER article: "Lonely, Left Out, and Up a Tree"
article author: Teresa Cleary
magazine: October 18, 2009 issue of ENCOUNTER

Go Team Go!

This week in ENCOUNTER—The Magazine, Rosemarie pointed out that performing some ridiculous ritual so your favorite team will win is just as silly as all of the efforts we make to get right with God. Like a fan of your favorite team, be a fan of God. Celebrate what He's done in your life!

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ENCOUNTER article: "Paint Your Face for God?"
article author: Rosemarie DiCristo
magazine: October 11, 2009 issue of ENCOUNTER

What Does Your Reputation Say About You?

This week in ENCOUNTER—The Magazine, Michaela learned how valuable a good reputation really is. What about you? Do you like what your reputation says about you? What do you need to change?

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ENCOUNTER article: "I Needed a New Reputation"
article author: Michaela Jaselle Wilson
magazine: October 4, 2009 issue of ENCOUNTER
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