Oranges and the Body of Christ

The body of Christ is absolutely amazing, and YOU play a part in it. Check out this week's featured article to see what oranges have to do with it. (What??)

Consider the questions included in the article, and share your answers in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Lessons from a Christmas Orange"
article author: Jaclyn S. Miller
magazine: December 26, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Christmas Budgeting

Jaclyn gave us some great ideas for how to spend less on Christmas presents ... and be creative in the process. How do you stretch your dollars at Christmas time?

Share your ideas in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Great Gifts That Give Your Budget a Break"
article author: Jaclyn S. Miller
magazine: December 12, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Keeping Christ in Christmas

The teens interviewed for today's feature article told ways they make room for Christ during the hectic Christmas season. What are some ways you make room for Him during December?

Share your thoughts, experiences, and ideas in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Making Room for the Savior"
article author: Jennifer Dunning
magazine: December 5, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Contentment Quiz

How do you view your trials? Are they something to complain about, or do you see them as a way to cultivate contentment in your life?

Share your quiz results in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Are You Traveling Toward Contentment?"
article author: Kim Peterson & Jaclyn S. Miller
magazine: November 28, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Tips for Contentment

Like Karri, are you content with what you have until you see that someone else has something better? How do you deal with discontentment?

Share your thoughts in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "The Choice of Contentment"
article author: Candy Arrington
magazine: November 21, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Green with Envy

How do you deal with envy?

Share your thoughts in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Seeing Green"
article author: Tammy Darling
magazine: November 14, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

To forgive ...

... or not to forgive ... there is no question. God's Word clearly states that we are supposed to forgive, but it's not always easy. Why do you sometimes avoid forgiving others?

Share your thoughts in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "The Choice of Forgiveness"
article author: Candy Arrington
magazine: November 7, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

One Small Action

Kendall took one small action that led to starting her own nonprofit organization that helps numerous kids in Africa. What small action might you take that could make a difference in the world?

Share your ideas and experiences in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "No Limits: Kendall Ciesemier"
article author: Ronica Stromberg
magazine: October 31, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Peer Pressure

How much influence do you let your friends have in your life? Share your thoughts and quiz results in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "How Well Do You Handle Peer Pressure?"
article author: Katrina Cassel
magazine: October 24, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Seasons Change

Different times and experiences in our lives can reflect the changing of seasons. How have you seen this happen in your life?

ENCOUNTER article: "A New Season"
article author: Tammy Darling
magazine: October 17, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Hey Seniors!

What would you add to Kailey's Top 10 List for Seniors?

ENCOUNTER article: "Top 10 List for Seniors"
article author: Kailey Moore
magazine: October 10, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER


How do you and your friends keep each other accountable?

Share your experiences and ideas in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "1+1"
article author: Elizabeth Matko
magazine: October 3, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Fruity Quiz

Which fruits of the Spirit are hard or easy for you?

Share your results and thoughts in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Is Your Life Fruit Filled?"
article author: Anne Williman
magazine: September 26, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

The Mighty Tongue

Do you have any tips for how to keep your tongue in check?

Share your experiences and ideas in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "The Care and Keeping of a Tongue"
article author: Katrina Cassel
magazine: September 19, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Playing Favorites

Do you have a problem with favoritism? How have you seen favoritism in action?

Share your experiences and observations in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "A Winning Combination"
article author: Cynthia Roemer
magazine: September 12, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Sneaky Selfishness

Selfishness can show itself in all kinds of ways. In what ways do you find yourself battling selfishness?

ENCOUNTER article: "Deceptive Immunity"
article author: Lyndi L. Markus
magazine: September 5, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Missionaries Don't Work Alone

What are some ways you can support missionaries you or someone in your church knows?

Share your experiences and ideas in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Ways to Support a Missionary"
article author: Amy Simon
magazine: August 29, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Making a Difference

How are you making a difference in your community, in your country, or in the world (or how do you plan to)?

Share your experiences and plans in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "How I'm Making a Difference"
article author: Tammy Darling
magazine: August 22, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Time to Grow!

What are some things you do to help you grow in your faith?

Share your ideas in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Simple Ways to Stretch Your Faith"
article author: Jaclyn S. Miller
magazine: August 15, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

How's Your Work Ethic?

Are you a "super-employee" or do you need to work on your work ethic a little?

Talk about your quiz results in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "What Kind of Employee Are You?"
article author: Anne Williman
magazine: August 8, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

It's Time to Pray!

Do you have any advice on how to keep prayer a priority?

Share your ideas in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Prayer Dropout"
article author: Katrina Cassel
magazine: August 1, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Growing in God

What helps you grow in your relationship with God?

Share your thoughts in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "The Plant Killer"
article author: Sandi Brown
magazine: July 25, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

God's Grace

How have other people shown God's grace to you?

Tell us about your experience in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "You're Invited!"
article author: Kathiann M. Kowalski
magazine: July 18, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

It's About Relationships

In this week's article, Brian was able to reach out to a friend and tell her about Jesus because of his close friendship with her. Like Brian, have you ever had a long-term friendship where you were able to share Jesus with someone?

Tell us about your experience in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Red"
article author: Brian Coates
magazine: July 11, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER


Doesn’t it feel good after you tell someone sorry? The process is awkward, but the result is nice.

Tell us about an experience you've had with asking forgiveness in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Sorry!"
article author: Kelly Klepfer
magazine: July 4, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Don't Break Under Pressure

In today's article, Marita had to ignore peer pressure in order to keep her integrity. Has that ever happened to you?

Tell us about your experience in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Winners"
article author: Heather Klassen
magazine: June 27, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Proud to Be Humble?

Take the quiz and see where you land on the scale of proud to humble.

Share your results and thoughts in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Proud to Be Humble?"
article author: Anne Williman
magazine: June 20, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Putting the Gospel into Action

The guys in MIKESCHAIR put the gospel into action through supporting various ministries and missions. How are you—and others around you—showing compassion to the world?

Share your thoughts in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "MIKESCHAIR: Putting the Gospel into Action"
article author: Christy Barritt
magazine: June 13, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Are You a Phony?

Take the quiz and see how authentic you are.

Share your results and thoughts in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Are You a Phony?"
article author: Christina Dotson
magazine: June 6, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

The Challenge

By giving away just a dollar a day, you can make an impact on the world. Will you take the challenge?

Share your thoughts and experiences in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "$1 a Day"
article author: Sandi Brown
magazine: May 30, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Truth and Consequences

Erik and Dean made a silly decision that had some bad (and potentially harmful) consequences. When have you done something that wasn't so smart? What happened? How did you deal with it?

Share your thoughts in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "It's Not My Fault"
article author: Erik Kalstead (as told to Christy Heitger)
magazine: May 23, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Draw Close to God

A near-death experience due to a motorcycle accident caused Miles to draw closer to God. What events or circumstances in your life have drawn you closer to god?

Share your thoughts in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "A Race Against Death"
article author: Miles (as told to Muriel Larson)
magazine: May 16, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Stressed Out?

It's that time of year again—school is winding down. You have papers, finals, and possibly graduation preparation to take care of. You may also be involved in sports, and many of you are trying to nail down a summer job. All of that can add up to a lot of stress! Take the quiz in the May 2 issue of ENCOUNTER—The Magazine to see how well you're handling the stress.

Share your quiz results in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Stressed Out? Take the Candy Quiz"
article author: Katrina Cassel
magazine: May 2, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

In the Heart of the Storm

The author of this story found peace from God in the midst of a storm. What kinds of storms—both real and emotional—have you made it through with God's help?

Leave a comment to share your thoughts.

ENCOUNTER article: "A Storm Story"
article author: Karen M. Leet
magazine: April 25, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Prom Alert!

Prom can really hit your wallet hard. What are some ways you've found to save money on the big day?

Leave a comment to share your thoughts.

ENCOUNTER article: "Prom for Pennies"
article author: Jaclyn S. Miller
magazine: April 18, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

He Is Risen!

What does Easter mean to you?

Leave a comment to share your thoughts.

ENCOUNTER article: "Men of Courage, Men of Doubt"
article author: Jennifer Kvamme
magazine: April 4 , 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Making a List

What qualities are you looking for in a boyfriend or girlfriend?

Leave a comment to share your thoughts.

ENCOUNTER article: "The List"
article author: Brian Coates
magazine: March 28, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Don't Fear Purity

Alyssa opened her heart to let you know her view and thoughts on purity.

Leave a comment and share your own thoughts.

ENCOUNTER article: "God Held My Purity"
article author: Alyssa Mann
magazine: March 21, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

A Lesson About Respect

Christy said some pretty rude things to a boy and immediately regretted her words. Like her, have you had to learn a lesson about respect the hard way?

Leave a comment and share your thoughts.

ENCOUNTER article: "Wicked Words"
article author: Christy Heitger
magazine: March 14, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Who decides your view on love?

Who decides your view on love?
Is it the media?
Is it the author of a book?
Is it your friends?
Is it your mood?
OR is it God?

Leave a comment and let us know what God has taught you about true love.

ENCOUNTER article: "Love Decided"
article author: Martha Willey
magazine: Marcy 7, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

How are you serving?

Abby Phillips used her time, abilities, and finances to help build a medical clinic for orphans in Mexico. In what ways are you striving to serve others and serve Jesus?

Leave a comment and share your thoughts.

ENCOUNTER article: "Showing Love on the Mission Field and at Home"
article author: Tanya L. Wells
magazine: February 28, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

What's in your way?

Tasha was committed to God, but she felt the urge from God to reevaluate her attachment to the things she bought. And so she took the next step in her relationship with Jesus. What do you need to work on so you can be more committed to Jesus?

Leave a comment and share your thoughts.

ENCOUNTER article: "Donation Dilemma"
article author: Marissa Shrock
magazine: February 21, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

What does Valentine's Day mean to you?

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, some students shared Valentine's Day poems. Valentine's Day can be happy for some people, depressing for other people, or just another day for many people. What does Valentine's Day mean to you? How does it make you feel?

Leave a comment and share your thoughts!

ENCOUNTER article: poems
article author: Andrew Martin and Justin Burrell
magazine: February 14, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Giving Back

We've seen a lot of great examples of people giving to others in 2010 with the devastation of Haiti. But it doesn't take a huge tragedy to find God's love in action. Every day people around you are serving, showing the love and humility of Jesus.

Tell us about some of the ways you see people live out God's love, in big and small ways. Leave a comment and share a great story.

Sanctus Real

Mark from Sanctus Real shared his thoughts about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and be discipled by someone else and a little about discipling others.

What does the word disciple mean to you? Do you think of it just as a Bible term, or have you ever considered yourself a disciple of Jesus? A disciple is one who follows and wants to grow to be like a teacher.

Who is helping you become a disciple of Jesus? How are you helping others become disciples of Him? Leave a comment and share your thoughts!

ENCOUNTER article: "A Real Disciple"
article author: Judy Gyde
magazine: January 31, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Serving Others

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, we read about how Amber is making a difference in the world for Christ—by serving under-resourced people in West Virginia whose lives were devastated by a flood. Amber did an internship in the area one summer and found this way to minister.

Have you ever ministered on a mission trip or internship? Leave a comment and tell us about your experiences!

ENCOUNTER article: "Making Her Life Count"
article author: Jessica Koschnitzky
magazine: January 24, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

January Is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month

Did you know that President Obama recently declared January as National Human Trafficking Awareness Month? In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER—The Magazine, Melissa writes about the problem of human trafficking, not only internationally, but also right here in our own country. She shares how many people, including her sister, are using things that they enjoy doing or are good at to raise awareness about this problem. What other ways have you heard of people using their skills to fight human trafficking?

Leave a comment and tell us about it!

For ideas on how to take action, check out the following organizations:

International Justice Mission—
Hagar International—
Call + Response—
Invisible Children—

ENCOUNTER article: "Use What You Love to Fight Human Trafficking"
article author: Melissa Hill
magazine: January 17, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

It's about time!

This week in ENCOUNTER—The Magazine we have a quiz to help you figure out how well you manage your time. How did you do? Did your results surprise you at all?

Leave a comment and share your quiz results!

ENCOUNTER article: "Tick Tock, How's Your Clock?"
article author: Laura & Stephanie Farrar
magazine: January 10, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER
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