January Is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month

Did you know that President Obama recently declared January as National Human Trafficking Awareness Month? In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER—The Magazine, Melissa writes about the problem of human trafficking, not only internationally, but also right here in our own country. She shares how many people, including her sister, are using things that they enjoy doing or are good at to raise awareness about this problem. What other ways have you heard of people using their skills to fight human trafficking?

Leave a comment and tell us about it!

For ideas on how to take action, check out the following organizations:

International Justice Mission—www.ijm.org
Hagar International—www.hagarproject.org
Call + Response—www.callandresponse.com
Invisible Children—www.invisiblechildren.com

ENCOUNTER article: "Use What You Love to Fight Human Trafficking"
article author: Melissa Hill
magazine: January 17, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

It's about time!

This week in ENCOUNTER—The Magazine we have a quiz to help you figure out how well you manage your time. How did you do? Did your results surprise you at all?

Leave a comment and share your quiz results!

ENCOUNTER article: "Tick Tock, How's Your Clock?"
article author: Laura & Stephanie Farrar
magazine: January 10, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER
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