Don't Break Under Pressure

In today's article, Marita had to ignore peer pressure in order to keep her integrity. Has that ever happened to you?

Tell us about your experience in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Winners"
article author: Heather Klassen
magazine: June 27, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Proud to Be Humble?

Take the quiz and see where you land on the scale of proud to humble.

Share your results and thoughts in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Proud to Be Humble?"
article author: Anne Williman
magazine: June 20, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Putting the Gospel into Action

The guys in MIKESCHAIR put the gospel into action through supporting various ministries and missions. How are you—and others around you—showing compassion to the world?

Share your thoughts in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "MIKESCHAIR: Putting the Gospel into Action"
article author: Christy Barritt
magazine: June 13, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Are You a Phony?

Take the quiz and see how authentic you are.

Share your results and thoughts in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Are You a Phony?"
article author: Christina Dotson
magazine: June 6, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

The Challenge

By giving away just a dollar a day, you can make an impact on the world. Will you take the challenge?

Share your thoughts and experiences in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "$1 a Day"
article author: Sandi Brown
magazine: May 30, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER
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