Be Happy in the New Year!

This week ENCOUNTER shared 10 tips you might try in the new year. Do you have any goals for 2009? Leave a comment and share the fun! :)

ENCOUNTER article: "Top Ten Tips for the New Year"
article author: Candy Arrington
magazine: December 28, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Merry Christmas!

Have a wonderful Christmas!
From all of us at ENCOUNTER.

A Dad Up Above

Jesus came to earth and represented God, the Father. In ENCOUNTER this week, we read some different qualities of God our Father. Which qualities mean the most to you? Leave a comment and share your thoughts.

ENCOUNTER article: "A True Father"
article author: Amy Simon
magazine: December 21, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Are you a superhero?

ENCOUNTER got to chat with band Family Force 5. Band member Chap Stique talked about superheroes and how he and the guys follow the ultimate hero, Jesus.

Family Force 5 tries to be heroic as they follow Jesus. How do you try to be heroic for others?

Leave a comment and share your story.

ENCOUNTER article: "The Superheroes of Family Force 5"
article author: Christy Barritt
magazine: December 14, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER


Jordan faced a hard decision—should he admit that he cheated or not?

Have you ever followed Jesus’ guidance and it required you to make a hard decision like Jordan?

Leave a comment and share your story.

ENCOUNTER article: "Caught in a Flawless Plan"
article author: Jeremy R. Glenn
magazine: December 7, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

When you're in charge . . .

ENCOUNTER got to chat with Christian singer Ayiesha Woods. Ayiesha talked about times when she is in authority.

Have you ever had to be in charge of a situation? How do you handle the pressure and expectations and responsibility?

Leave a comment and share your story.

ENCOUNTER article: "Pointing Others to God"
article author: Christy Barritt
magazine: November 30, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Happy Thanksgiving!!

This week we celebrate Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for? Leave a comment and share what God is doing in your life.

Fighting Authority

This week in ENCOUNTER we're looking at authority. The skit "Pass Interference" is a humorous look at how bad things could get if no one was in charge. Although it's meant to make us laugh, there is truth in the message.

No matter who we are, we have a love/hate relationship with authority. We like authority when it benefits us. But at times when we feel it restricts our freedom, we hate it.

How do you deal with those feelings? What struggles do you have with authority? Please leave a comment and discuss!

ENCOUNTER article: "Pass Interference"
article author: John Cosper
magazine: November 16, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Honor someone in the military

Tuesday, November 11 is Veteran's Day. In ENCOUNTER this week we're reminded: "Veterans Day honors all those, living and dead, who served with the U.S. armed forces. . . . Veterans Day honors all that have served in times of peace as well as in war."

Do you know someone who has served (or is serving) in the military? Leave a comment and honor the person.

ENCOUNTER article: "Celebrating Veterans Day"
article author: Tammy Darling
magazine: November 9, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

When being a leader goes to your head!

Christina shared the story of a time when she was a leader, and it went to her head. She became a monster with her power!

Has being a leader ever gone to your head? Be honest! Leave a comment and share what you learned from the experience.

ENCOUNTER article: "A True Leader"
article author: Christina Dotson
magazine: November 2, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Are you a peacemaker?

This week we looked at the topic of peace and how Abigail was a peacemaker for those around him.

Are you a natural peacemaker, or is it hard for you? How'd you do on the peacemaking quiz? Leave a comment and share!

ENCOUNTER article: "Give Peace a Chance"
article author: Teresa Cleary
magazine: November 2, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

A Sincere Student President

This week we met TJ and read about the honest and respectful campaign he maintained when he ran for student body president at his school. After he won, he used his power to serve other people rather than using the power for himself.

We find that Esther in the Bible used her power to serve her people. Do you know someone who uses power to serve others? Leave a comment and tell us about the person.

ENCOUNTER article: "A Legacy of Leadership"
article author: Michael Murphy
magazine: October 26, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Loyal Friends

Melissa talked about a time in high school when she was betrayed by a friend who wasn't loyal to her. Then Melissa discovered a wonderful picture of loyalty when she read about Ruth from the Bible.

Loyal friends can make a huge difference in all of our lives. Who’s the most loyal person you know? Leave a comment and tell us about your great friend!

ENCOUNTER article: "Choosing Loyalty: Following Ruth’s Example"
article author: Melissa Hill
magazine: October 26, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Taking a Risk

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, Cynthia shared in the article "A Chance to Shine" about her experience growing in God and finding strength to go shine His light in the world. Cynthia shared that her decision to do so meant taking a risk.

Is there a risk you need to take for God? Leave a comment and tell us about the challenge you’re ready to face.

article author: Cynthia Roemer
magazine: October 19, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Which kind of smart are you?

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, there was a quiz to help you figure out what kind of intelligence type you are.

Are you your smartest when it comes to words, math & science, art, music, sports, people, yourself, or nature? Leave a comment and share your results!

article author: Katrina Cassel
magazine: October 12, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Breaking up is hard to do . . .

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, the article "The Cleanup After a Breakup" shared tips on how to get over the rough times when a dating relationship has ended. At the end of the article, the author lists some Scriptures that can be encouraging.

Have you had to survive a breakup? If so, how did you deal with the sadness? What Scriptures gave you comfort during that sad time?

Please leave a comment and share your story.

article author: Katrina Cassel
magazine: October 5, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Little Things, Big Difference

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, we read the day Travis had and how it just took one small act of kindness to make a huge difference in his life.

When has a small thing made a big difference in your life?

Leave a comment and tell us your story.

article author: Ryan Baltrip
magazine: September 28, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Choose Your Own Ending

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, we read "The Decision" about Caitlin and Kristen's friendship as well as Kristen's relationship with her new boyfriend.

What do you think happens to Kristen? What would you do if you were Caitlin? How do you remain a true friend but also protect someone? Do you break a promise or not?

Leave a comment and write your own ending to this story.

article author: Katrina Cassel
magazine: September 21, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Dealing with change

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, we read some tips on dealing with change when you are faced with having to move.

Have you ever had to move? What helped you adjust to the changes?

Leave a comment and share your story.

article author: Betty Steele Everett
magazine: September 14, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

A Good Friend

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, we read Laura's testimony about her godly friend. Does Laura’s story remind you of a friend who’s been encouraging in your relationship with God?

Leave a comment and tell us about your great friend!

article author: Laura Farrar
magazine: September 7, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Are you having fun yet?

For most students across the country, school has started again. We here at ENCOUNTER hope that your new school year is beginning well.

We hope you find strong friendships, old and new, and that you are able to shine the light of Jesus wherever you go.

When days are long or frustrating, remember that you are loved by God, and He is with you.

Happy Labor Day weekend!


In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, the article "Darkness to Dawn" we read about how Laura cut herself to deal with pain. She shares how God continues to lead her out of that self-injury, and He reminds her through His Word, the Bible, that He is always by her side.

What Scriptures do you rely on to remind you that God is by your side, even through pain? Leave a comment and share.

article author: Laura Farrar
magazine: August 24, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

If you or someone you know struggles with cutting, please read this book:

The book follows Jackie's struggle with and healing from self-injury. There are also helpful tips for people to support a loved one who is dealing with this type of pain. Click on the image above for more information.

Are you watching the Olympics?

Have you been watching the Olympics? If so, leave a comment and share your favorite event(s).

Friends in Tough Times

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, the article "Being There" we read that Matt struggled with what to say to Corbin when his dad died. In the end, Matt just being there was what meant the most to Corbin during such a rough time.

Think about a rough time you faced. What encouraging thing did a friend say or do that meant a lot to you during that time?

Leave a comment and share your story.

article author: Becky Melby
magazine: August 17, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Trusting in Tragedy

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, the article "Why, God?" April talked about her family's car crash. April's grandfather died and her grandmother and mom were seriously injured. It devastated April's whole family.

Although April questioned why her family had to go through such tragedy, she continued to see God's presence with them. She learned to rely on Him, in good times and tragedies.

Have you learned to trust God through a tragedy? Leave a comment and share your story.

article author: April Stier
magazine: August 10, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Answered Prayers

When bad things happen, we start questioning God. Why doesn't He always answer prayers as we expect Him to? But sometimes, looking back on life, we get the chance to see the blessings that came from God's plan. Other times, we don't always know God's reasoning for acting or not acting how we wish.

Leave a comment and share some prayers that God has answered for you—both in ways that you were hoping He’d answer or in ways He answered unexpectedly.

Life Online

This week's issue of ENCOUNTER was all about the Internet. Like most things, the Internet can be used for good or for bad. It's all about what you choose to do online.

Leave a comment and share some of your favorite positive and safe websites. Have you ever shared your faith with someone online? Tell your story.

Your Kind of Music

This week's issue of ENCOUNTER was all about music. You heard from hip-hop artists Mars Ill. You read about Ethan's special song in the Battle of the Bands. And you read how Melissa has discovered the soundtrack of her life.

How does music express emotions that you feel? Leave a comment and share the things that songs say better than any of your own words.

Movie Reviews!

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, the article "Six Great Movies" showed us how to use movies to get conversations about God started with our friends. Here are a few more movies that the author of the article really loves:

*Surprisingly Awesome Alert*: Miracle, Eight Below, One Night with the King
*Classics*: Charade, Les Misérables, Chronicles of Narnia series
*Sports*: Invincible, Glory Road, The Natural
*Chick Flicks*: Emma, Little Women, Father of the Bride
*Superhero:* Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, Batman Begins, Superman Returns
*Comedy:* Ratatouille, Evan Almighty, What About Bob?

Have you ever used a movie to talk to a friend about Jesus? What do you think about the movies listed in the magazine and those listed above? What are your favorite flicks?

article author: Christina Schofield
magazine: July 20, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

What are you?

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, there was a quiz to help you figure out what kind of news media you are.

Are you a newspaper, a magazine, the TV news, or the Internet? Leave a comment and share your results!

article author: Christina Dotson
magazine: July 13, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Christmas in July!

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, the article "Christmas in July!" reminded us that we can use our summertime to reach out to people in need. Have you ever tried one of the ideas on the list?

Leave a comment and share the ways that your youth group is serving others this summer.

article author: Katrina Cassel
magazine: July 6, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

When everything goes wrong . . .

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, the article "The Canceled Vacation" Christina talked about her family's disastrous vacation . . . but then how she saw God working behind the scenes.

Leave a comment and share your own experience (good or bad!) when you saw God was working behind the scenes in ways you couldn’t see.

article author: Christina Dotson
magazine: June 29, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Staying Connected on Summer Vacation

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, the article "Vacation Is Here!" gave some ideas of how you can stay involved with God this summer.

Leave a comment and share your own ideas of how YOU plan to stay connected to God and grow in your relationship with Him during summer break.

article author: Katrina L. Cassel
magazine: June 22, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Shout-out to Dads

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, Dalan talked about the reasons he respects his dad.

If you want to continue the Father's Day celebration, give your dad a shout-out here by telling us some great things about him. Leave a comment and share the love.

article author: Dalan Edwin Decker
magazine: June 15, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Are you on MySpace? Facebook?

If you're on MySpace then check out Fluff:
Become his friend. Say hi! Share what God has been doing in your life lately.

If you're on Facebook, become a fan of ENCOUNTER--The Magazine. Click here.

Your Summer Plans

June is finally here! What do you have planned for the summer? Post a comment and share!

Your Church Family

In the article "Communicating with God’s Family—Get Real!" we read about the different generations who make up our church family and how we can communicate better with people who aren't our same age.

Leave a comment and tell us what you like about the different age groups in your church—people younger than you and people older than you.

article author: Laura Farrar
magazine: May 25, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Facing Family Hardships

This week ENCOUNTER discusses different types of family crises we may face; it includes a quiz titled "Can You Cope in a Family Crisis?"

If you took the quiz, leave a comment and tell us about how you scored. What did you find out about yourself and your ability to deal with tough times?

article author: Laura Farrar
magazine: May 18, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Happy Mother's Day!

Wish your mom a Happy Mother's Day. Leave a comment to share the love!

Figuring out Family Conflict

In the article "When Personalities Collide" we read about the different personality types people can have and how that can cause conflicts, especially in families.

As you read about the personality types, which one did you most identify with? Leave a comment and tell us about it.

article author: Candy Arrington
magazine: May 11, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Sacrificing for Your Parents

In the article "Dealing With It" we read about the sacrifices Luke made to live with his grandparents while his mom was getting cancer treatments. Although he didn't want to move, he did want to honor his parents.

Have you ever had to make a sacrifice in order to honor your parents? Leave a comment and tell us about it.

article author: Heather Klassen
magazine: May 4, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

The inside scoop on parents

In the article "Secrets Your Parents Never Told You" you got some insider information from a parent on the struggles and joys parents have in raising teens like YOU.

So now's the time for you to brag. Share something you want to celebrate about your mom or dad. Leave a comment and tell us something great they've done for you.

article author: Teresa Cleary
magazine: April 27, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

What's your family like?

This week we're kicking of a series of ENCOUNTER issues all about families. Keep reading and you'll find articles about being adopted, living with grandparents, parent who are ill, parents who have passed away, and parents who are divorced. We have a fun quiz on assessing the personality types of you and your family and how to get along with everyone. And we talk about being an active part of the family of God.

It's good stuff -- you don't want to miss out! We also want to hear from you. What good things are going on with your parents, siblings, etc.? How has God helped you through rough family times? How has God brought you closer together? What have you learned from your church family? Leave a comment and share a story from your life.

At an intersection

In the article "One Way" we read about why it's important to tell others that Jesus is the only way to Heaven. And the author used a metaphor of driving on a road to explain why Jesus is the only way.

Have you shared this important message with someone? How do you explain to others that Jesus is the only way to Heaven? Leave a comment and share your story.

article author: Tammy Darling
magazine: April 20, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Is He Lord?

In the article "Follow the Leader/Lover" we read about what it really means to make Jesus Lord of our lives.

How have you truly made Jesus Lord of your life? Leave a comment and share your story.

article author: Jennifer M. Kvamme
magazine: April 13 issue of ENCOUNTER

The Resurrection

In the article "Block Games" we read about two girls discussing why it was important to care about Jesus' resurrection--not just His death.

Have you ever struggled, wondering why Jesus’ resurrection is important? Did reading this article change your thoughts? Leave a comment and share your thoughts.

article author: Sarah Mae Ratliff
magazine: April 6 issue of ENCOUNTER

The Cross

In the article "Hiding or Walking?" we read about the reasons why Jesus' death on the cross means so much to each of us.

Does the cross make a difference in your daily life? Leave a comment and share your thoughts.

article author: Elizabeth Matko
magazine: March 30 issue of ENCOUNTER

Happy Easter!

If you took the quiz "Are You an Easter Expert?" by Anne Williman in the March 23 issue of ENCOUNTER, leave a comment and tell us your results. How much do you really know about Easter?

We hope you have a great weekend, celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus. What a wonderful gift of grace!

Winning and Losing

In the article "Good Sport" we read about the strategies Becca used to handle winning and losing in her sport of wrestling.

In what activities do you compete? How do you remain gracious, both when you win and lose? Leave a comment and share your techniques.

article author: D. Lynn Black
magazine: March 16 issue of ENCOUNTER

Spring is here! (Almost.)

Spring is here! At least, it's coming. It's Daylight Savings Time, at least. That's springlike, right? Here in Cincinnati, Ohio, home of ENCOUNTER—The Magazine, it's trying to hang on to winter. We're getting up to 12 inches of snow. Yikes! I'm ready for warmth.

Spring means Spring Break! Leave a comment and share your Spring Break plans. Whatever you do, glorify God in the process! :)

Sacrificing for the Team

In the article "I Quit!" Josh talked about not making the varsity tennis team. He was very disappointed. Later he realized it was for the good of the team that another player made varsity instead of him.

Have you had to sacrifice for the greater good of a team or a group? How did you react? Leave us a comment and share your story.

article author: by Josh Kim as told to Christy Heitger
magazine: March 2 issue of ENCOUNTER
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