Are you your smartest when it comes to words, math & science, art, music, sports, people, yourself, or nature? Leave a comment and share your results!
article author: Katrina Cassel
magazine: October 12, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER
ENCOUNTER—The Magazine is designed to help you to grow in your relationship with Jesus and connect with other believers. It is published for junior high and high school students.
These Results are a little messed up. We think that the D and E categories are switched.
So we have an:
E- sports smart guy
F-interpersonal guy
?-someone who is a mixed bag. We think she is an C but she thinks she is people smart.
Thanks so much for letting us know about this error. You're right, the D and E categories in the results section accidentally got switched.
So all D answers should be "sports smart" and all E answers should be "music smart."
We apologize for this mistake!
That is cool. we had a good time with the quiz.
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