When being a leader goes to your head!

Christina shared the story of a time when she was a leader, and it went to her head. She became a monster with her power!

Has being a leader ever gone to your head? Be honest! Leave a comment and share what you learned from the experience.

ENCOUNTER article: "A True Leader"
article author: Christina Dotson
magazine: November 2, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Are you a peacemaker?

This week we looked at the topic of peace and how Abigail was a peacemaker for those around him.

Are you a natural peacemaker, or is it hard for you? How'd you do on the peacemaking quiz? Leave a comment and share!

ENCOUNTER article: "Give Peace a Chance"
article author: Teresa Cleary
magazine: November 2, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

A Sincere Student President

This week we met TJ and read about the honest and respectful campaign he maintained when he ran for student body president at his school. After he won, he used his power to serve other people rather than using the power for himself.

We find that Esther in the Bible used her power to serve her people. Do you know someone who uses power to serve others? Leave a comment and tell us about the person.

ENCOUNTER article: "A Legacy of Leadership"
article author: Michael Murphy
magazine: October 26, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Loyal Friends

Melissa talked about a time in high school when she was betrayed by a friend who wasn't loyal to her. Then Melissa discovered a wonderful picture of loyalty when she read about Ruth from the Bible.

Loyal friends can make a huge difference in all of our lives. Who’s the most loyal person you know? Leave a comment and tell us about your great friend!

ENCOUNTER article: "Choosing Loyalty: Following Ruth’s Example"
article author: Melissa Hill
magazine: October 26, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Taking a Risk

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, Cynthia shared in the article "A Chance to Shine" about her experience growing in God and finding strength to go shine His light in the world. Cynthia shared that her decision to do so meant taking a risk.

Is there a risk you need to take for God? Leave a comment and tell us about the challenge you’re ready to face.

article author: Cynthia Roemer
magazine: October 19, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Which kind of smart are you?

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, there was a quiz to help you figure out what kind of intelligence type you are.

Are you your smartest when it comes to words, math & science, art, music, sports, people, yourself, or nature? Leave a comment and share your results!

article author: Katrina Cassel
magazine: October 12, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER

Breaking up is hard to do . . .

In this week's issue of ENCOUNTER, the article "The Cleanup After a Breakup" shared tips on how to get over the rough times when a dating relationship has ended. At the end of the article, the author lists some Scriptures that can be encouraging.

Have you had to survive a breakup? If so, how did you deal with the sadness? What Scriptures gave you comfort during that sad time?

Please leave a comment and share your story.

article author: Katrina Cassel
magazine: October 5, 2008 issue of ENCOUNTER
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