This week in ENCOUNTER, we're looking at peer pressure. Did you know there were so many kinds of it? We didn't until we started reading!
Which type of peer pressure have you faced the most in your life? How do you usually respond?
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ENCOUNTER article: "5 Types of Peer Pressure"
article author: by Tammy Darling
magazine: March 8, 2009 issue of ENCOUNTER
I am very fortunate and have not faced any/much peer pressure in my life (at least not anything major). For people who are dealing with pressure, I suggest you talk to someone who can relate to you. For example, Jesus can definitly relate! (read Matthew 4:1-11)
Most of my friends give me positive peer pressure. I have amazing, uplifting friends(for the most part). With some of my friends though, I need to learn how to stand up for myself and what is right.
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