A Way with Words

Do you have a way with words? Do you always know the right thing to say or do you always feel tongue-tied? Today Jennifer talked about how she feels our words to God sometimes don't seem as meaningful. She challenges us to pay attention to the words we use to worship God and to live out those words in our actions as well.

What are your favorite words you use to worship God? Leave a comment and share.

ENCOUNTER article: "This Word Is Reserved"
article author: by Jennifer M. Kvamme
magazine: April 26, 2009 issue of ENCOUNTER

Think Fast!

This week in ENCOUNTER, we're talking about fasting. Several people shared their stories of fasting and how difficult but helpful it was in drawing them close to God.

Have you ever fasted? Please leave a comment and share your experiences.

ENCOUNTER article: "Fasting—Not for the Fainthearted!"
article author: by Karen M. Leet
magazine: April 19, 2009 issue of ENCOUNTER

Easter and the Lord's Supper

Happy Easter!

Is the Lord's Supper a meaningful time for you? Maybe it is. Maybe it's awkward or odd or boring. If Communion is more confusing than special, I encourage you to read "What's Up with the Lord's Supper" in ENCOUNTER and consider what that bite of bread and drink of juice is all about.

What does the Lord’s Supper mean to you? Please leave a comment and share what's on your mind.

ENCOUNTER article: "What’s Up with the Lord’s Supper?"
article author: by Karl Halverson
magazine: April 12, 2009 issue of ENCOUNTER


Happy Palm Sunday!

Talking to God

This week in ENCOUNTER is all about prayer. We're looking at what prayer is, what prayer isn't, and different ways people pray.

So what about you? How do you pray? What ways work best for you? When do you pray best (mornings, while you're jogging or driving, before you go to bed, during study hall)?

Leave a comment and share how you talk to God.

ENCOUNTER article: "What Prayer IS—and What It’s NOT"
article author: by Candy Arrington
magazine: April 5, 2009 issue of ENCOUNTER
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