Making a List

What qualities are you looking for in a boyfriend or girlfriend?

Leave a comment to share your thoughts.

ENCOUNTER article: "The List"
article author: Brian Coates
magazine: March 28, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Don't Fear Purity

Alyssa opened her heart to let you know her view and thoughts on purity.

Leave a comment and share your own thoughts.

ENCOUNTER article: "God Held My Purity"
article author: Alyssa Mann
magazine: March 21, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

A Lesson About Respect

Christy said some pretty rude things to a boy and immediately regretted her words. Like her, have you had to learn a lesson about respect the hard way?

Leave a comment and share your thoughts.

ENCOUNTER article: "Wicked Words"
article author: Christy Heitger
magazine: March 14, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Who decides your view on love?

Who decides your view on love?
Is it the media?
Is it the author of a book?
Is it your friends?
Is it your mood?
OR is it God?

Leave a comment and let us know what God has taught you about true love.

ENCOUNTER article: "Love Decided"
article author: Martha Willey
magazine: Marcy 7, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER
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