Be Smooth

Has God softened your edges through a trial? Share your experiences in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "The Smoothness of Sea Glass"
article author: Emily Downs
magazine: August 28, 2011 issue of ENCOUNTER

Crisis Alert

How do you deal with crises in your life? Share your experiences, ideas, and thoughts in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Why Do I Hurt So Much?"
article author: Irene S. Roth
magazine: August 21, 2011 issue of ENCOUNTER

The Help Factor

How well do you help others? Share your quiz results and thoughts about helping in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "They Hurt—Are You Helping?"
article author: Anne Williman
magazine: August 14, 2011 issue of ENCOUNTER

Trusting God in Tough Times

Have you had to deal with a life-altering hardship? How did you experience God's love during that time? Share your experiences in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Shouted Love"
article author: Kate Massot
magazine: August 7, 2011 issue of ENCOUNTER
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