Missionaries Don't Work Alone

What are some ways you can support missionaries you or someone in your church knows?

Share your experiences and ideas in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Ways to Support a Missionary"
article author: Amy Simon
magazine: August 29, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Making a Difference

How are you making a difference in your community, in your country, or in the world (or how do you plan to)?

Share your experiences and plans in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "How I'm Making a Difference"
article author: Tammy Darling
magazine: August 22, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Time to Grow!

What are some things you do to help you grow in your faith?

Share your ideas in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Simple Ways to Stretch Your Faith"
article author: Jaclyn S. Miller
magazine: August 15, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

How's Your Work Ethic?

Are you a "super-employee" or do you need to work on your work ethic a little?

Talk about your quiz results in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "What Kind of Employee Are You?"
article author: Anne Williman
magazine: August 8, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

It's Time to Pray!

Do you have any advice on how to keep prayer a priority?

Share your ideas in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Prayer Dropout"
article author: Katrina Cassel
magazine: August 1, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER
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