Fruity Quiz

Which fruits of the Spirit are hard or easy for you?

Share your results and thoughts in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "Is Your Life Fruit Filled?"
article author: Anne Williman
magazine: September 26, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

The Mighty Tongue

Do you have any tips for how to keep your tongue in check?

Share your experiences and ideas in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "The Care and Keeping of a Tongue"
article author: Katrina Cassel
magazine: September 19, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Playing Favorites

Do you have a problem with favoritism? How have you seen favoritism in action?

Share your experiences and observations in a comment on this post.

ENCOUNTER article: "A Winning Combination"
article author: Cynthia Roemer
magazine: September 12, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER

Sneaky Selfishness

Selfishness can show itself in all kinds of ways. In what ways do you find yourself battling selfishness?

ENCOUNTER article: "Deceptive Immunity"
article author: Lyndi L. Markus
magazine: September 5, 2010 issue of ENCOUNTER
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