Giving to Others

Jenna made the hard decision to donate cut off her hair and donate it in the article "What I'm All About" by Heather Klassen in the January 20 issue of ENCOUNTER. Have you ever donated your hair or sacrificed something in order to give to others? Leave a comment and tell us about your experience.


Anonymous said...

my hair's too short but i do sponsor a child thorugh world vision.

Anonymous said...

i recently cut off about nine and three quarter inches for locks of love.
my hair kind of made me who i was...
i mean i think i hid behind it.
i love and miss my hair.
but i'm so glad i was able to help a child who has cancer or something like that.
it makes me feel really good about myself.
i think the cool thing was - my best friend and i did it together!
we both now have short hair.
but we're excited to do it all again!

crabs1 said...

at an airport once i saw a lady give up her seat for a flight. she was probably in the airport for a looong time. if only we al could be like that.

Anonymous said...

I'm growing my hair out right now to give to Locks of Love, and I admit that I don't think it's going to be super easy. I have eighteen inches and it's part of how I define myself. But if it's that important, to me, I can see how much it would help somone else to have it too.

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